Thursday 28 November 2019

Guy fawkes Poster

I have been learning about Guy Fawkes because recently we celebrated Guy Fawkes.
I enjoyed adding all the barrels because I got to change some of them to tiny barrels.
I found it challenging to find a Guy Fawkes dummy because it mostly came up with hacker masks.
I would change the blue and yellow fireworks next time because there were purple ones. 

Saint Mary Mackillop

I was learning about St Mary Mackillop so we could follow in the footsteps of her.
I enjoyed making all the gradient because I customized it.
I found challenging to make Mary because I could only use shapes.
Next time I would change the colour of the outline on the biggest ball because I does not look right.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Robot Human For Sale!

I have been learning about making a robot because it was our work.
I enjoyed adding the robot because I got to choose any robot I wanted.
I found it challenging to find a human because most of them were inappropriate.
I would change next time the background because I want it to not be a food shop.