We learnt about tension and compression. Tension is a force that stretches something and compression is a force that squeezes something.
There were four different bridges to choose from; beam, arch, truss and suspension. The beam has a long bit that people drive or walk on and it had long sticks that went all the way down into the ground below. Arch, like its name, has an arch under it to keep it up. Truss has two sticks going down into the ground and also has a lot of triangles on the top stopping people from driving or walking off. Suspension, has two sticks going through the bit people drive on and being connected by curving wires.
I enjoyed making the Duplo because it was really easy and it was not at all hard. I could not find anything tricky in this task because it was so easy and I could understand it really well!
Next time I would use paper to make the bridge and balance rocks on it to make it a bit more interesting than a piece of wood on a bit of oversized lego.
Thank you for reading my blog, here are my slides:
Here is how a beam bridge works. C is compression and T is tension